Jan C. Smith
Chair, Programs Committee
Jan Smith is a free-lance video journalist. She is a member of the Cathedral’s congregation involved with the oral history project for the Cathedral’s Racial Justice Task Force and is also chair of the RJTF’s program committee. Jan is a member of the Cathedral’s Chapter (governing body) and is also Chair of the Programs Committee for the Chapter. She chaired the Outreach and Social Justice Committee for four years and led the Easter basket ministry.

Professionally, Jan reported and produced a series of videos interviewing the four female U.S. Supreme Court Justices for the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery website. She has also done a series of reports on U.S. Presidents for National Geographic Television. She won a National Headliner’s Award for a military pay report for CNN and covered national and local news for WTTG-TV in Washington for 12 years. A graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, she began her reporting career at WDAF-TV in Kansas City.
Jan is also involved in the diplomatic community in Washington, D.C. as Program Chair for International Neighbors Club One. She is a member of the Eleanor Roosevelt Dialogue with the Center for Strategic International Studies. She co-chaired Partners in Health at Georgetown University Medical Center and moderated medical panels for five years.