Support the Cathedral
There are many ways to contribute to the mission and ministry of Washington National Cathedral.
Ways to Give
Make checks payable to Washington National Cathedral and include our printable donation form.
Make your giving simple and effective by participating in our monthly giving program! Be sure to indicate that your gift is “recurring” when filling out our online donation form.
Honor and memorial gifts to the Cathedral are recorded in the Cathedral’s Book of Remembrance. In addition, a card will be sent to the honoree or their family informing them of this special tribute. Make an honor or memorial gift online.
Making a gift in the form of stock or mutual funds allows you to have an immediate impact on our work, while also possibly paying less in income taxes. Learn more in our downloadable guide.
When you and the Cathedral work together to establish a planned gift, you leave a lasting legacy for future generations. For more information about the ways to make a planned gift, please contact John W. Jensen, CFP, at 202-537-5747 or jjensen@cathedral.org.
Donor Advised Funds are the fastest-growing giving method and tax-efficient way to manage charitable donations. Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable and BNY Mellon can easily make a designation through the DAF Direct window below:
Money from an individual retirement account can be donated to charity. Learn more about how an IRA-qualified charitable distribution can be used to help others and reduce your tax bill.
To make a gift by phone, or to learn more about these and other ways to support the Cathedral, please call (800) 231-6491.