Group Visit General Information

Groups (20+ people) are required to have a reservation to visit the Cathedral for any reason. Please browse the options and costs before requesting a reservation.

Group Visit Options

Group Highlights Tour or self-guided tour (Mon–Sat only, times vary)

Cost: $8 per person, bus parking no additional cost

  • Peak Season (March–June, September–November): Guided Group Highlights Tour features a guided main level (nave) exploration of the Cathedral’s dramatic art and architecture tailored for first-time visitors. Groups may view the lower level (crypt) afterward. Larger groups may be split into separate tours.
  • Non-Peak Season (July & August, December–February): Guided group tours are NOT available. Groups still wanting to request a reservation are invited to use complimentary brochures for a Self-Guided Tour.
  • During peak season, groups enjoy the benefit of a discounted tour admission rate
  • Tours are not offered on Sundays
Sunday Holy Eucharist (11:15 am–12:45 pm)

Cost: attending the service is free but a $50 per bus parking fee applies

  • The Cathedral’s most popular service with choir, organist and other musicians. Services are conducted in the Episcopal tradition and held in the nave (main level)
  • At this time, a group visit to attend a worship service cannot be paired with a guided tour
  • Groups are expected to arrive on time, remain seated, and stay for the duration of the worship service
Sunday Choral Evensong (4–5 pm)

Cost: attending the service is free but a $50 per bus parking fee applies

  • One of the treasures of the Anglican tradition, Evensong is a service of sung evening prayer held in the Great Choir. Led by the Cathedral Choir, the music spans from the Renaissance period to the modern day
  • At this time, a group visit to attend a worship service cannot be paired with a guided tour
  • Groups are expected to arrive on time, remain seated, and stay for the duration of the worship service
Weekday Choral Evensong (Mon–Thur only, 5:30–6:15 pm)

Cost: attending the service is free but a $50 per bus parking fee applies

  • One of the treasures of the Anglican tradition, Evensong is a service of sung evening prayer held in the Great Choir (or other chapels depending on Cathedral activities). Led by the Cathedral Choir, the music spans from the Renaissance period to the modern day.
  • At this time, a group visit to attend a worship service cannot be paired with a guided tour
  • Groups are expected to arrive on time, remain seated, and stay for the duration of the worship service
Event Parking

Cost: $50 per bus; additional fees may apply.

  • Bus, motor coach, or oversized vehicle parking is available and also requires a reservation in advance
  • Select this option if you plan to park a bus or oversized vehicle at the Cathedral but are NOT requesting a tour or attending a worship service.

Request a Reservation

Once you have browsed the above options, we invite you to request a reservation for your group. Requests for reservations are accepted on a rolling basis.

Group Visit FAQ

When visiting for a worship service or special event, groups are limited to the area where the service is taking place. For Group Highlights Tours, groups explore the nave (main level) and have an opportunity to see some or all of the crypt (lower level) depending on the Cathedral’s daily activities.

The 7th floor Pilgrim Observation Gallery is not open to groups at any time. This also applies to chaperones, who are expected to stay with their group at all times.

Photography is welcome except during worship services.

Unfortunately, our gift shop and the LEGO Cathedral remain closed at this time.

Payment is due two weeks in advance of your group’s visit.